weekend continued…

Today was another busy day. Started out slow but the pace picked up quickly. It was great to see so many familiar faces again and I have to say that we have a kick-ass local community. They are our foundation, we would not be here without them and it’s an honor to have them continuously coming back and supporting our business (it also means they still love our wine – yay!). Mike continued tasting some futures out of the barrel of the 07 Cab, 07 Pinot, 07 Malbec and the 06 Petit Verdot. After saying bye to our last guests around 6:30, I still had some business to take care, charging the wine club invoices and ones we’d shipped, drying the clean glasses, putting another round in the dishwasher and cleaning up the tasting room. It’s 8:30 now, just had a superb & simple tuna fish sandwich, I added some garlic provolone cheese and grilled it so it was deliciously melted together and am drinking some 06 Merlot along with it. Deeeelish! Mike and I will probably finish watching a movie we started last night called Into the Wild. I read the book about 6 months ago and find this movie to be…mmm okay so far but puts me to sleep within 45 minutes. Tomorrow is a big day…bottling of our 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon; last bottling my dad had to go to the ER, almost losing a finger (our very first bottling without Mr. Stowe) so this time hopefully the bottling line runs smooth, the foiler and labeler run smooth and we just cruuuuuuuuise…………… cheers. Photo by Bob Young