first frost!

Nope, we didn’t have any frost last nite…in fact tomorrow the high is supposed to be back up to 71ยบ! We suffered a long, cold weekend: 10.09 – 10.12 and as you can see in the photos, our vineyard fan and smudge pots did not make the cut. But we tried. Luckily, despite our Cab grapes, everything else is looking great in terms of pH and brix. So we pick.
Do you feel cold just looking at this early morning photo???

These Pinot Noir grapes are trying to stay warm…

You can see some of the frost-burn on the leaves:

You thought you were cold…

Hey, look – it’s the vineyard fan!

Thursday evening activities…………

Rise and shine…spreading warm air

Mother Nature has a will and a way…let’s harvest!