spring fever

It seems we’ve been slacking on the blog here…I blame it on this weather, teasing us to step outside the door and breath some fresh air. Mike and I have been two little busy birds fleeing up north to Moscow the past week so that Mike could help set routes for an indoor rock climbing competition and I to compete. While I indulged in my past-time nostalgic favorites such as Loco Grinz hawaiian plate lunch, Mikey’s Gyros (wish we had gyros THAT good down here!), visiting the Prichard Art Gallery, and Hyperspud, I also managed to taste our wines at the Moscow Co-op. During the tasting, I remembered why I love that town so much  – everyone is ridiculously friendly and open-minded about trying new wines and very into supporting local businesses. Wine manager, Julie, was very helpful and for all you moscow-kids, we now have 6 of our wines there at the Co-op. A group of us had a wonderful dinner at Nectar (bacon-wrapped meatloaf anyone??) and I loved the ambience, the conversation, the honey-comb and beautiful artwork by Nara Croft. A great addition to Moscow. I saw Mike only a few hours at night and in the mornings as he was setting routes all day. The competition went well: great climbing, always a good time, LOTS of wonderful people and LOTS of try-hard! It’s back to the grind now with things to catch up on and much bottling ahead of us. We’ll keep you posted for our April release-party that you won’t want to miss out on. For those of you who had the chance to meet our newly-adopted kitty Milo/Garfield…unfortunately for reasons we are not sure of, she has passed away to kitty-heaven. We are saddened and will miss her.